How can CBD Help to Cure Paranoia?


CBD for paranoia
The use of medical marijuana is a common topic today. Ever since it was discovered that cannabidiol, popularly known as CBD possess a wide array of therapeutic benefits, a lot of interest has been drawn to the plants that has been shunned by the society for years basically because of is psychoactive effect it has on users. Tetrahydrocannabinol is no doubt the most pronounced chemical compound in the cannabis plant, but there are hundreds of others. THC is responsible for the “high” effect it has on the body; this was the reason why some people used to negatively view marijuana smokers.

Recent discoveries have brought to the fore different positive CBD hemp oil effects that were little known in the past. Marijuana smokers must be the happiest people in the world; they giggle, laugh and appear more contented with life. THC has a strong sedation and anti-anxiety effect. People would turn to smoking cannabis because it would make them forget their sorrows and brighten up. However, this feeling would later be overtaken by feeling of disturbing (sometimes suicidal) thoughts, anxiety and paranoia. The long term effects of THC can be detrimental to the body, and this begged the question; what changes?

While a section of marijuana smokers used to feel happier with the feeling, some would start dealing with serious side effects and over-dependency on the puff. With increasing paranoia due to marijuana smoking, interest was drawn on how best to counter this feeling. Researchers decided to focus on the magical cannabis plant, only to discuss that smokers who were suffering from paranoia could still manage the feeling from the very plant that causes it in the first place; the sister chemical compound, cannabidiol (CBD). That means that solution to THC-caused paranoia is in the right CBD products.

Medical Marijuana

There is enough evidence that CBD can help manage a number of medical conditions such as arthritis, pain, Alzheimer’s disease, sleeplessness, anxiety, some forms of cancer, among others. The use of medical marijuana is legal in many countries, including the United States, only that there are specific requirements and THC/CBD strengths in CBD products that is allowed for use in the country. The main challenge in this field has been the psychoactive effects of THC, which is especially pronounced in products infused with CBD from typical cannabis plants. The heavy THC strains can be difficult to entirely remove from these products, reason why most commercial products are made from industrial hemp plant, which has high CBD concentration and very low concentration of THC.

In as much there is no scientific evidence that high THC is harmful to the body, considering the many benefits the cannabis plant offers, most people find the psychoactive effect extremely uncomfortable to deal with. It is because of this that low THC strains are encouraged against high CBD strains to help manage the paranoia effect caused by THC. Today, many people are on CBD dosage to manage conditions like gastrointestinal distress, slow down the development of tumors, seizures, mood-related disorders, and pain due to inflammation. While these are the most common benefits, the use of CBD in management of paranoia is one of the most important benefits of using CBD-infused products. The mechanism of this is pegged on its anti-anxiety properties

The effect of CBD and THC on the body varies. While THC is known to affect someone’s perception, trigger paranoia and inhibit proper functioning of the memory, CBD doesn’t. This is especially common when you overdose on THC. Contrary to that, high dosage of CBD doesn’t have any side effects on the body. In fact, users may not feel anything, save for a calming and relaxed feeling. It is argued that while THC binds directly to the CB1 receptors, CBD doesn’t but instead inhibit and activate the activities of the endocannabinoid system.

CBD for Paranoia Mechanism

It is believed that when one takes CBD dosage, the CB1 receptors are superficially stimulated, consequently releasing the THC compound, leading to a counterbalance in the body. It is in the backdrop of this fact that most CBD products clearly label that they contain both compounds, because the inhibition of THC paranoia is based on the mechanisms of CBD. That is not all; studies have linked cannabidiol to anxiety management, fearlessness and relaxation.

cbd hemp oil

A study conducted and published in 2012 and involving mice supports this mechanism. In the research, the levels of anxiety in two sets of lab rats (one with CBD and the other without) after being exposed to a predatory threat (possibly a cat) was measured. It was discovered that, the set of rats that wasn’t injected with CBD experienced longer periods of paranoia with continued exposure to the predators than the group that was treated with CBD. Based on this, it was concluded that CBD oil effects can help in the management of post-traumatic stress disorder. While this study might not be conclusive, especially on humans, more research is currently being undertaken to establish with certainty the benefits of the same.

CBD Dosage for Paranoia Treatment

There is sufficient evidence on the ability of CBD to manage anxiety and paranoia. The main challenge has been to find the balance between the two strains. While most people are more interested in highs trains of THC in CBD products, there are strict regulations that require specific THC concentration, especially 0.03% of the product volume. Does that mean products with higher THC concentration are not fit for consumption? Not really. However, the psychoactive effect of THC has to be managed. Furthermore, high concentration of the psychoactive THC can promoted abuse, especially use CBD products for recreational use as opposed to their medical benefits.

CBd dosage (2)

It is therefore very important when shopping around for CBD products to find out what are the legal requirements regarding THC/CBD strengths. If you fail to adhere to that, your products may be confiscated by the authorities or even end up behind bars for handling illegal products. Always find out from the CBD seller about this information to be on the safe side. Otherwise, proper CBD dosage will go a long way in managing paranoia, among other common medical conditions discussed.

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